Students will learn about Aston Hall’s involvement in the English Civil War in this lively and interactive session.

As we explore this magnificent 17th century Hall, pupils will learn how and why the English Civil War started, who was involved and how Aston was caught up in the conflict. Considering how national events played out in a local context, we will learn about Sir Thomas Holte’s links to the Royalist cause, Charles I’s visit to Aston Hall in 1642 and the Parliamentarian siege on the Hall in 1643. Finally, we will consider the aftermath of the Civil War, both on the Holte family and across the country.

Throughout the session, students will have the opportunity to dress up as key characters and Civil War Soldiers. They will be able to see genuine Civil War artefacts on display in our Civil War Room, as well as handle replica objects. Finally, they will see Civil War battle tactics played out in real life by reenacting the pikemen’s formations using our replica pikes.

This workshop is perfect for those in Key Stage 2 studying an ‘aspect or theme in British history that extends knowledge beyond 1066'. For Key Stage 3 The Civil War is one option in the study of the ‘development of Church, state and society in Britain 1509 - 1745'.

(School visits to Aston Hall are available Wednesday - Friday.)

Bring two classes from your school and spend a full day on site with self-led activities to use outside of your taught session.

Get in touch to book

Call us on 0121 348 8001 (Monday - Friday, 9.30am - 4.30pm) or email us