Explore rivers and the importance of waterpower at Sarehole Mill.

Starting at the mill, we discover how water powers the mill machinery, then we follow the journey of the water from the mill pond to the river Cole and beyond. With the help of fieldwork equipment your class will take measurements, identify river features and enter the river if conditions allow.

Important Information

Wellies (and warm clothes) are essential as pupils will be entering the river during the workshop – local river conditions permitting. It is advised children bring a change of socks and shoes with them. At least one adult visiting with each class must have wellies on and be willing to accompany the Learning and Engagement Officer into the river if the weather permits us too. This session involves leaving the site and crossing a road.

At Sarehole Mill we can only take one class at a time on site.

The Rivers session is available Wednesdays - Fridays after February half term until end of November.

Get in touch to book

Call us on 0121 348 8001 (Monday - Friday, 9.30am - 4.30pm) or email us