A line of small toy children and animals marching down a street
Credit: Image credit: © Slinkachu 2020

Explore the beautiful gardens of Blakesley in this hands-on, outdoors workshop. This session is offered as a full or half day trip.

In this session students will learn about the importance of pollinators in urban gardens, specifically bees and birds. We will delve into the life of bees discovering how vital they are to the ecosystem and the threats to their survival. Using a fun, interactive and educational game, we will visualise how damaging pesticides can be to bees.

The class will discuss the best ways to help bees survive supported by your own Bee Hotel kit to take away. We will also use natural resources to create a piece of art to take back to school.

We will then explore the gardens where your students will discover each of the different animals that thrive at Blakesley’s own ecosystem. Conduct experiments, identify threats and learn how to support urban wildlife.

“Thank you so much for the wonderful day at the Hall! You were pitched just right for their age and the worksheets you prepared really stimulated them. The pollen/flower game was hilarious!” Teacher Review 2022.

This workshop supports numerous elements of the Key Sage 2 Science and Art curriculum in particular supporting students understanding of ‘Working Scientifically’, living things and habitats, observation and using different materials for creative practice.

Booking Information

This session is available Wednesdays - Fridays in September and from March - July.

Each year until 2024 we have a select number of Urban Nature workshops available for free through the Explore: Urban Nature Project. Please contact our bookings team to find out more.

This session is available as a half day (2 hours) or full day (4 hours) for one class.

Alternatively, bring two classes from your school and spend a full day on site with self-led activities to use outside of your taught session.

These workshops have been produced in conjunction with the Natural History Museum and in partnership with Garfield Weston Foundation.

Get in touch to book

Call us on 0121 348 8001 (Monday - Friday, 9.30am - 4.30pm) or email us