Which Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery paintings and objects have we loaned out? Where can they be found on display?

Whilst infrastructure works continue at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery and the building is closed, we have lent a considerable number of our finest paintings to other galleries and museums in order to provide increased public access to our extensive collection. Here is where you can see them:

Untitled (Blue Guitar), Untitled (Saxophone) and Untitled (Television) by Gavin Jantjes

On display at Whitechapel Gallery in the exhibition ‘Gavin Jantjes: To Be Free! A Retrospective 1970 – 2023’ from 12 June - 01 September 2024.

Pygmalion by Donald Rodney

On display in the exhibition ‘Donald Rodney: Visceral Canker’ at Spike Island, Bristol from 25 May to Sunday 8 September 2024,Nottingham Contemporary from 28 September 2024 – 5 January 2025 and Whitechapel Gallery (12 February - 18 May 2025).

Evening, Tangiers, by Sir John Lavery

On display in the exhibition ‘Lavery. On Location,’ on display at the National Gallery of Ireland from 7 October2023 – 14 January 2024, Ulster Museum from 23 February 2024 – 2 June 2024 and the Royal Scottish Academy from 19 July 2024 – 27 October 2024.

The Staffordshire Hoard

Can be found on display in 2 different locations

  1. On display at The Potteries Museum and Art Gallery, Stoke on Trent.
  2. On display at Tamworth Castle, in the exhibition, ‘Battle and Tribute’.