About Planetarium Weekend Shows

Step inside our Planetarium and join us for one of our planetarium shows.

We have three different shows running every day at the weekends. The show schedule is shown below.

Planetarium shows cost £4.50 per person per show* (£4 for members), in addition to Thinktank's admission price.
*Shorter 10-12min shows cost £3.50 per person per show (£3 for members)

Pre-booking available online as an add-on activity when you purchase your admission tickets.

Weekend planetarium shows

3-2-1 Liftoff!

Elon is a hamster scientist who finds a robot which fell from the Earth’s orbit. His spaceship is going to leave soon. Will Elon manage to get the robot back on his ship in time? This is an adventurous animated film about the courage and wits you need to have to get in space and back. (Trailer below)

Show length 26 min, ideal for young families

Show times: 11.45am, 3pm

Seasonal Stars: Summer

Show about easy-to-see objects in this season's sky; includes how to find the North Star and find some of the seasonal constellations.

This includes the 10min show Destination Space: ISS
Take a tour of the International Space Station, and find out what life is like on board. Narrated by Tim Peake

Total show length 20min, suitable for all ages.

Show times: 12.30pm, 1.30pm, 4pm

5000 Eyes - mapping the universe with DESI

Learn how a telescope in Southern Arizona, USA is helping to create the most detailed map of our nearby universe to help answer questions about dark energy. 500 Eyes explains how DESI (Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument) allows astronomers to use 5,000 robots to measure light from thousands of galaxies at once, and introduces the people running the telescope. (Trailer below)

Show length 23 min, suitable for ages 7+

Show times: 11am, 2.25pm

All shows are subject to availability and may change at short notice.